Pukekura Maps

Map for desktop and laptop computers

Usual map for interactive use.

The layer list contains a selection of commonly used layers - tick to display, un-tick to hide. The Photo Gallery tab at the bottom of the left pane opens to show several categories of photos taken in the Pukekura Park. If there is information about these places or plants in the archives, you will see a link to click.

Map for detailed (pdf) printing

Uses smaller labels to fit more detail on a printed page.

Choose your layers, then select the Save (print) map tab on the left panel. Drag the handles on the orange box to set the area to print, then click the Save button. It can take up to 30 seconds to prepare the printout, and more to download the file.

If you only need to print part of the Park, or you are not looking for specific trees, you may prefer to print using the standard map above. Labels on the printed page will be larger and easier to read.

Map for mobile devices

Designed for small screens. Open the web page http://services.main.net.nz/pukekura/maps/mobile in the web browser on your smartphone or tablet. You must have an internet connection, which means a cellular connection if you want to use the map on mobile phones.

If your mobile device has a built in satellite GPS, you can see you where you are on the map. Click the locate symbol and answer yes to allow the phone/tablet to share its location with the map.


Background layers from LINZ-1869-taranaki-04m-rural-aerial-photos-(CC BY 3.0 NZ),

Park layers 'buildings' and 'boundary' from New Plymouth District Council. Information layers showing significant plants, places, waterways, paths and entrances supplied by The Friends of Pukekura Park

Maps hosted by Datamap with the aerial imagery streamed from LINZ.

Images in the Photo Gallery are streamed from the online library Kete Pukekura, which uses 'kete' software developed by Walter McGinnis and is used in many NZ archives.

Build using open source software: Openlayers, ExtJS, GeoExt, Geoserver.

Thanks to Tony Stewart for his expertise for setting up the systems and applying these to a wide variety of projects

Contact: main@main.net.nz